Vision Misions Objectives


Learning Outcomes


Course Handbook


Assessment of Ph.D. Dissertation


Enrollment Procedure

Overview of Ph.D. in ELE

The Ph.D. in ELE is currently of two tracks: Ph.D. with coursework plus dissertation and Ph.D. by research. The Ph.D. program has contributed to developing English Language Education and scholarship in Indonesia for some 40 years. As such, it has also been contributing to the development of ELE worldwide through direct and indirect activities such as seminars and other academic and professional fora.

The Department of English was founded in 1954 as the Department of English Language and Literature. Since then, it has undergone several changes, both in terms of the curriculum and its identity. In 1968, the Institute for Teacher Training and Education, Malang (at present Universitas Negeri Malang) initiated higher education for Doktorandus to obtain a doctoral degree through the Doctoral Program (Strata 3 or Ph.D.), Institute for Teacher Training and Education, Malang. The establishment of the Doctoral Program was based on the regulation of the Minister of Higher Education and Science no. 19, dated July 20, 1962.

In 1980, the graduate education was split into Doctoral Degree (S3 or Ph.D.) Programs and Master’s Degree (S2 or M.Ed.) Programs. Accordingly, Universitas Negeri Malang started to offer Master’s Degree Programs in Education (1980), according to the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No.60/1982, dated September 7, 1982, and the Doctoral Study Programs were officially converted to the Master’s and Doctoral Programs (PDP). One year later, with the Ministry of Education and Culture Decree No. 0146/0/1983, dated March 5, 1983, the PDP was changed to the Graduate Faculty. Subsequently, with the Government Regulation N0. 30, 1990, the Graduate Faculty was further restructured from Faculty to Program, with the new name of Graduate Program.

The program has been home to reputed tenured faculty members who have made a wide range of contributions through several roles they play at the local, national, and international levels. Some faculty members and graduates have made contributions through their appointments at the SEAMEO, RELC, and universities in Japan and Australia. Some others have been external reviewers and examiners for promotion to professorship and examiners of PhD theses across Australia and Asia.

Taking into account recent trends and policies, the curriculum of the Ph.D. in ELE is developed in view of the capability of the graduates in the gamut of ELT and, the research capability within the discipline, and the ensuing ability to disseminate and communicate their capability to the relevant discourse community and Community in general.

The curriculum of the Ph.D. in (ELE) has been revised and reconstructed in accordance with the new policy of Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (Indonesia National Qualification Framework) 2012. The curriculum description starts with the Accreditation Status, the Scientific Vision, Mission, and Objectives of the Ph.D. in ELE, followed by the graduate profile, and then Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs). The curriculum structure (encompassing both for the coursework and research-based) is presented to show the distribution of the courses in the program.

Accreditation Status

The Ph.D. in ELE has been accredited both at national and international levels. Based on the Decree of the Independent Accreditation Institution for Education (LAMDIK), No. SK 973/SK/LAMDIK/AK-I/M/IX/2023, the Ph.D. degree program in English Language Education has been accredited Unggul or Excellent (effective until September 27, 2027). In 2021, the Ph.D. in ELE also successfully received international accreditation by AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programmes), indicating the program’s compliance with international quality standards. The international accreditation is valid until September 30, 2027.

Scientific Vision

The Ph.D. in ELE provides innovative research-oriented education in view of global developments and future situations to support the excellent stature of Universitas Negeri Malang in 2030.


The Ph.D. in ELE is responsible for enhancing, with the spirit of local, national, and international collaborations, the Threefold Missions of Higher Education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi), encompassing education, research, and community services by:

  1. carrying out effective student-centered doctoral education in the field of ELE,
  2. promoting research in the field of ELE for the development of knowledge and profession, and
  3. conducting community services in the ELE field to empower the Community.


The objectives of the Ph.D. in ELE are formulated on the basis of the missions of the program as follows:

  1. students’ autonomy in developing their knowledge and professional skills related to ELE,
  2. quality students’ dissertation research contributing to the development of ELE theories and professional practices and
  3. dissemination of current thoughts and research findings in ELE through academic fora and community services.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Graduate Profile

The graduates of the Ph.D. in ELE are experts creative and innovative to develop theories, concepts, principles, and/or models of ELE at all levels of education—primary, secondary, and tertiary—and in non-formal education institutions through research that contributes to the development of ELE in Indonesia attributable to the development of ELE around the globe.

Intended Learning Outcomes

According to the Indonesian Qualification Framework (KKNI) and verse 5 of Permendikbud No 3, 2020, three points of ILOs of the Ph.D. in ELE are formulated as follows:

  1. Mastery of the philosophical bases and theories of ELT.
  2. Capability to rigorously carry out innovative research in the gamut of ELT in view of international publishability and contributions to the society.
  3. Capability to communicate nurtured thoughts and research results to the wider Community both through academic fora (oral and written) and Community services.

Justification of ILOs
To ensure that the ILOs meet the stipulations in the Indonesian Qualification Framework (KKNI) as integral part of Permendikbud RI nomor 3 tahun 2020 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi, the following is formulated. So, by the end of their study, the graduates of the Ph.D. (either with coursework or by research) have the following knowledge and skills or capabilities.

1. Mastery of the philosophical bases and theories of ELT

a. Critically nurturing ideas and thoughts through research and community services in the realm of ELT.
b. Eloquently communicating ideas and thoughts in spoken and written forms in ELT through research, community services, and academic fora.
c. Creatively applying academic and professional knowledge of ELT to solve ELT-related problems.

2. Capability to rigorously carry out innovative research in the gamut of ELT in view of international publishability and contributions to society

a. Appropriately selecting research sources relevant to ELT,
b. Critically reviewing research sources for innovative research in ELT,
c. Applying rigorous research procedures resulting in quality research in ELT and
d. Critically self-evaluating research for significant research results in ELT.

3. Capability to communicate nurtured thoughts and research results to the wider Community both through academic fora (oral and written) and community services

a. Embracing the principles of scientific and work ethics encompassing independence, discipline, responsibility, self-confidence, and teamwork,
b. Demonstrating continuous learning habits to develop knowledge in ELT responsive to global advancements, and
c. Enthusiastically disseminating research results in ELT through various fora both oral and written.

Flagship Programs:

Flagship Programs in Education:

1. Visiting Professor program
2. Lecturer exchange program
3. Visiting scholar program
4. Acquisition of Grants for Independent Campus Competition Program (Hibah PKKM – Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka)
5. Acquisition of Grants for Innovation Development and Implementation (Hibah Pengembangan dan Penyelenggaraan Inovasi)
6. Academic writing support for students

Flagship Programs in Research:

1. Foreign partnership research
2. Acquisition of research grants from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek)
3. Joint research and joint publication
4. Acquisition of national competitive grants
5. Internal research funding grant program
6. Publication in national and international journals
7. Management of national and international journals
8. Organization of national and international conferences

Flagship Programs in Community Service:

1. Community service in educational institutions
2. Community service in target villages
3. Community service in the form of Pre-Departure English Course (PDEC) for graduate school candidates
4. Community service in the form of trainings and workshops
5. Community service in the form of digital media development
6. Academic Writing Center (AWC)

Flagship Programs in Student Affairs and Graduates:

1. Scholarships or study aid for graduate students from government and private sectors
2. Mentoring for the development of students’ interests and talents
3. Student entrepreneurship development program
4. Student conference
5. Graduates who are experts creative and innovative to develop theories; concepts, principles, and/or models of ELE at all levels of education—primary, secondary, and tertiary—and in non-formal education institutions through research that contributes to the development of ELE in Indonesia attributable to the development of ELE around the globe
6. Graduates easily and quickly absorbed/recruited for employment in the fields of education, business, and industry at the local, provincial, national, and international levels
7. Graduates receiving scholarships from national and international institutions for postdoctoral programs at prestigious universities in Indonesia and abroad

Flagship Programs in Partnerships and Collaboration:

1. Collaboration with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia
2. Collaboration with Universiti Malaya (UM) Malaysia
3. Collaboration with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
4. Collaboration with Auckland University, New Zealand
5. Collaboration with Asia Pacific University, Bangladesh
6. Collaboration with University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
7. Collaboration with University of Leeds, UK
8. Collaboration with US Agency for International Development (USAID)
9. Collaboration with The Association for the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN)
10. Collaboration with Regional English Language Office (RELO), US Embassy Jakarta
11. Collaboration with One Asia Foundation
12. Collaboration with Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF)
13. Collaboration with Indonesian Extensive Reading Association (IERA)
14. Collaboration with association of private schools in Thailand
15. Collaboration with Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)

List of Academic Staff

1. Bambang Yudi Cahyono
2. Nunung Suryati
3. Nur Mukminatien
4. Siusana Kweldju
5. Utami Widiati
6. Yazid Basthomi

Course Handbook

Course Handbook Ph.D. in ELE

Curriculum and Course Description

Enrollment Procedure

Registration procedure, schedule, and selection system of new students for study program Doktor (Ph.D.) in English Language Education is conducted through selection system held by Universitas Negeri Malang.

More Information


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