Research Group on English Linguistics


This group seeks to expand knowledge in the area of linguistics. The group activities have informally been initiated in 2010 marked with the analysis of written discourse of English language textbooks. Currently, the key areas of this group’s research include sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, (interlanguage) pragmatics, bilingualism, and discourse studies. In view of its affinity with English language teaching (ELT) within the postcolonial context of Indonesia in which English is foreign, the current research activities of this group are intimately linked to linguistic data pertinent to educational activities. Within this guise, in its initial step, a priority is given to linguistic data most readily accessible to the physical existence of the principal researchers within the vicinity of Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. However, comparative undertaking is also sought for through potential collaboration with other researchers at external institutions, both in Indonesia and abroad.

As the research activities are carried out along the fast technological development, digital analytic software is consulted to allow for rigorous methodological implementation and quality research results. Since digital analytic software also allows for analysis of literary data, the group’s research activities may also traverse over the area of stylistics and poetic performance. This insinuates that the data to deal with include literary and non-literary kinds. This also suggests that the data are spoken and written. Yet, since categorization tends to easily fall trap into absolutism at the expense of potential novelty, the categorization is put into perspective and refinement of the categorization is always encouraged and forged.

As the research activities deal with context-bound linguistic data, both data-based and data-driven analyses are possibly equally executed. Therefore, theory verification and generation are possibly carried out as this group’s research activities. Hence, a posteriori and a priori knowledge can be anticipated as the research products of this group.

Our motto is “Discover the beauty of language through linguistics”.


The objectives of research group are as follows:

  • to expand knowledge in the area of linguistics
  • to strengthen the quality of research on linguistics at the Department of English
  • to create collaboration among members of the research group to strengthen the quality of research on linguistics at the Department of English
  • to facilitate collaboration among members of the research group and other researchers to strengthen the quality of research on linguistics at the Department of English
  • to promote discussions on current research related to linguistics
  • to disseminate results of research written by members of the research group

Research Areas

  • Descriptive Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Phonology
  • Multilingualism, Heritage language education, Family Language Policy; Language Maintenance and Shift
  • Genre Analysis, Corpus Research, Corpus-based Teaching
  • Vocabulary, Psycholinguistics, Neuroeducation
  • Bilingualism, Second Language Acquisition
  • Multimodality, Applied Linguistics, Systemic Functional Linguistics
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Educational Linguistics
  • Second Language Writing, Interlanguage Pragmatics, Pragmatics


  1. Aulia Apriana
  2. Evynurul Laily Zen (Secretary)
  3. Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu
  4. Maria Hidayati
  5. Nanang Zubaidi
  6. Nurenzia Yannuar (Chair)
  7. Siusana Kweldju
  8. Yusnita Febrianti
  9. Yazid Basthomi


  1. Seminar: “Linguistic Analysis for K-Pop”, 23rd October 2023, Speaker – Karlina Denistia, Ph.D., Nazarudin, Ph.D.Candidate, Nurenzia Yannuar, Ph.D.
  2. Guest Lecture: Membaca dan berdiskusi KBK Roling, Speaker: Yazid Basthomi, Ph.D. 9 March 2023
  3. Seminar: Guest Lecture “Pengantar Anotasi Korpus”, 21 October 2021, Speaker: Prihantoro, Ph.D
  4. Brown Bag Talk: Semiotics & Fantastica: “Self, Language, Identification and Estrangement with Dr. Cameron Thompson (Vistula University), 28 April 2022
  5. Brownbag Talk: Chomsky “A Critical Reading from a Historical Perspective” by Effendi Kadarisman, 23 March 2022
  6. Brownbag Talk Series 1, 11 June 2020. Speaker: Evynurul Laily Zen
  7. Brownbag Talk Series 2, 18 June 2020. Speaker: Yazid Basthomi
  8. Brownbag Talk Series 3, 25 June 2020. Speaker: Effendi Kadarisman
  9. Brownbag Talk Series 4, 8 July 2020. Speaker Rob Amery (University of Adelaide, Australia)
  10. Brownbag Talk Series 5, 15 July 2020. Speaker: Nurenzia Yannuar
  11. Brownbag Talk Series 6, 22 July 2020. Speaker: Cita Nuary Ishak (An Alumnus of ELL study program)
  12. Seminar in honor of Effendi Kadarisman, 15 August 2020. Speaker: Siusana Kweldju, and Yassir Nasanius (Unika Atma Jaya).
  13. Book Launching “A Festschrift for Our Guru Prof. Effendi Kadarisman”, 22 August 2020.

Activity Highlights

Brown Bag Talk

The group makes every attempt to ensure that the members are updated with new issues in the areas which constitute the focus of the group’s research activities. To this end, members on a regular basis are scheduled to present their research projects. World-class scholars are also invited to participate in the Brown Bag Talk.

Reading Group

During the activity, members discuss selected articles and chapters with research associates and students of the Department of English.

Projects and Publications

  • C-SMILE (Corpus of State University of Malang Indonesian Learners’ English) 15.957.517 tokens
  • CINTA (Corpus of Indonesian Texts in Academia) 2.795.952 tokens
  • UM-SpEAKs (Universitas Negeri Malang Spoken English in Academic Kontexts) 61.138 tokens
  • CBLING (Corpus on Bilingual Learners’ Languages) 266.232 tokens

Current Research Projects:

Name Research Projects Grants
Nurenzia Yannuar, Yusnita Febrianti, & Maria Hidayati Pengembangan Modul Digital untuk MK Introduction to Linguistics PNBP UM (2021)
Nurenzia Yannuar, Dwi Sulistyorini, Swastika Dhesti Anggriani, Aiga Ventivani, Moh. Safii, Titis Thoriquttyas, Adella Miranda Sari, Fandy Romadhoni, & Dr. Tom Hoogervorst Menggali Potensi Pesarean Gunung Kawi dalam Upaya Pelestarian Wisata Budaya Tak Benda PNBP UM (2021-2022)
Evynurul Laily Zen, Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu, Sri Rachmajanti, Elvira Rosyida, & Chatarina Rahmawati Kebijakan Bahasa dalam Keluarga dan Perannya terhadap Pemertahanan Bahasa Daerah di Indonesia PNBP UM (2021)
Yazid Basthomi, Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Nunung Suryati, & Siti Mafulah Cognitive and Affective Engagement Mahasiswa terhadap Feedback Dosen dalam Online Writing DRPM 2021
Yazid Basthomi, Bambang Yudi Cahyono, Mirjam Anugerahwati, & Dewi Nur Suci Profesionalitas Guru Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Kejuruan dalam Pembuatan dan Penerapan Literasi Digital Multimodal DRPM 2021
Yazid Basthomi, Francisca Maria Ivone, & Ahmad Fauzan Pengaruh Korpus Daring dan Kamus Daring sebagai Pembelajaran Berbasis Data Bahasa terhadap Pembelajaran Kaidah Bahasa Inggris DRPM 2021
Yazid Basthomi, Nurenzia Yannuar, Yusnita Febrianti, Nanang Zubaidi, Suharyadi, Rifqi Nur Adlir Rahman, Nur Annisa Haris, & Anisatul Istighfaroh Literasi Multimodal pada Komik Little Dimsum Warriors PNBP UM (2021)
Utami Widiati, Anik Nunuk Wulyani, & Niamika El Khoiri Reading Engagement (Budaya Baca) Guru Bahasa Inggris sebagai Indikator Keterampilan Berliterasi dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa PNBP UM 2021
Utami Widiati, Anik Nunuk Wulyani, Sari Karmina, & Niamika El Khoiri Underpinning Digital Teaching Speaking Technology as a Teaching Speaking Strategy in Malaysian ESL and Indonesian EFL Contexts PNBP UM 2021
Utami Widiati & Anik Nunuk Wulyani Developing an Extensive Listening Material for English Clubs in Madrasah Tsanawiyah PNBP UM 2021
Utami Widiati, Anik Nunuk Wulyani, & Niamika El Khoiri Penguatan Implementasi Program Membaca Ekstensif (Extensive Reading) untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi Bahasa Inggris Siswa Sekolah Menengah (Anik Nunuk Wulyani) DRPM 2021-2022
Aulia Apriana, Evynurul Laily Zen, & Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu Pengembangan MOOC MK Introduction to Linguistics PNBP UM 2021
Yusnita Febrianti, Nurenzia Yannuar, Evynurul Laily Zen, Aulia Apriana Walikan in the Linguistics Landscape of Malang: The Rise of a Local Youth Language PNBP UM 2021
Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu, Evynurul Laily Zen, Nurenzia Yannuar, Anik Nunuk Wulyani Perubahan Leksikal: Homonim dalam Bahasa Batak Toba di Sumatera Utara PNBP UM 2021

Research Roadmap (2021 – 2025)

Research Group on Linguistics (RoLING), Department of English, Faculty of Letters UM

2025 Innovative and collaborative research on linguistics and other disciplines
2024 Contributions of linguistics in transdisciplinary research
2023 Language variety, its features, use, and application in different contexts
2022 Language variety, practices, policy and planning in the global context
2021 Language variety, its features and use in multilingual community in Indonesia
Output Research Activities & Publications Research Activities & Publications Research Activities & Publications Research Activities & Publications Research Activities & Publications
Research Projects 1. Walikan in the Linguistics Landscape of Malang: The Rise of a Local Youth Language (Yusnita Febrianti, Nurenzia Yannuar, Evynurul Laily Zen, Aulia Apriana), PNBP UM 1. Reaching out to the public through the use of youth language in radio ads (Yusnita Febrianti, Evynurul Laily Zen, Nurenzia Yannuar, Nanang Zubaidi, Submitted proposal for internal funding of UM Applying linguistics in educational contexts (planned) Intersection of film studies and linguistics in understanding film adaptation (planned) Developing analytical tools to analyze big multimodal data (planned)
2. Perubahan Leksikal: Homonim dalam Bahasa Batak Toba di Sumatera Utara (Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu, Evynurul Laily Zen, Nurenzia Yannuar, Anik Nunuk Wulyani), PNBP UM 2. Pembelajaran Bahasa Daerah yang Responsif terhadap Tahapan Pemerolehan Bahasa guna Mensukseskan Agenda Pemertahanan Bahasa di Jawa dan Sumatra (Evynurul Laily Zen, Nurenzia Yannuar, Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu, Elisa Ratih, Khilda Husnia Abidah), Submitted proposal for DRTPM Exploring linguistics for practical uses in profesional spheres (planned) Discourse analysis of cultural values in movies (planned) Linguistics in the social media: Examining manifestation of mental health awareness from artefacts of urban youth language documents in various media.
3. Literasi Multimodal pada Komik Little Dimsum Warriors (Yazid Basthomi, Nurenzia Yannuar, Yusnita Febrianti, Nanang Zubaidi), PNBP UM 3. Exploring the narrative skill development of multilingual learners: A CBLING perspective (Evynurul Laily Zen, Nanang Zubaidi, Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu, Elisa Ratih, Anisatul Ilmiah), Submitted proposal for internal funding of UM
4. Kebijakan Bahasa dalam Keluarga dan Perannya terhadap Pemertahanan Bahasa Daerah di Indonesia (Evynurul Laily Zen, Sri Rachmajanti, Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu, Elvira Rosyida MR), PNBP UM 4. Role of background languages in adult learners’ linguistic knowledge of English: A cross-linguistic influence framework (Evynurul Laily Zen, Yusnita Febrianti, Utari Praba Astuti, Elisa Ratih, Khilda Husnia Abidah), Submitted proposal for internal funding of UM
5. Cognitive and Affective Engagement Mahasiswa terhadap Feedback Dosen dalam Online Writing (Yazid Basthomi), DRPM
6. Pengaruh Korpus Daring dan Kamus Daring sebagai Pembelajaran Berbasis Data Bahasa terhadap Pembelajaran Kaidah Bahasa Inggris (Yazid Basthomi), DRPM
Publications and Conference Presentations 1. Yannuar, N., & Febrianti, F. (2021). Walikan in the Linguistic Landscape of Malang: The Rise of a Local Youth Language. Proceedings of The International Congress of Indonesian Linguistics Society (KIMLI 2021) at Universitas Hasanuddin. Atlantis Press, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 622 1. Febrianti, Y., & Yannuar, N. (2022). The youth linguistic index: Narrative persuasion and sense of belonging in a movie trailer. In C. Groff, A. Hollington, E. Hurst-Harosh, N. Nassenstein, J. Nortier, H. Pasch and N. Yannuar (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Youth Language Practices, p. 293-313, De Gruyter Mouton.
2. Sulistyorini, D., Yannuar, N., Anggriani, S. D., Widiati, U., & Wijayati, P. H. (2021). The Structure and Functions of Prayers during Ngalab Berkah Ritual at Pesarean Gunung Kawi. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2021) at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. Atlantis Press, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 595 2. Groff. C., Hollington, A., Hurst-Harosh, E., Nassenstein, N., Nortier, J., Pasch, H., & Yannuar, N. (2022). Global Perspectives on Youth Language Practices, Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
3. Romadhoni, F., Yannuar, N., Sulistyorini, D., Ventivani, A., Syahri, M. (2021). Uluk Gangsa, The Discourse of Glory in Pesarean Gunung Kawi-Style Karawitan. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (ICOLLITE 2021) at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. Atlantis Press, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 595 3. Yannuar, N. (2022). “Keep Original”: Translanguaging and Identity Construction Among East Javanese Football Supporters. In S. H. Mirvahedi (Ed.), Linguistic Landscapes in South-East Asia: The Politics of Language and Public Signage. London: Routledge
4. Namira, Y., Yannuar, N., & Apriana, A. (2021). Demolishing the “Ideal” Concept of Beauty: How Pore Hero’s Instagram Campaign Challenges Other Skincare Advertisements. PAROLE Journal of Linguistics and Education 11(2): 208-223. 4. Jinan, K. H., Eliyanah, E., Yannuar, N. (2022). Digital Feminism in Indonesia: Exploring Language Use and Agency. Proceedings of 2nd World Conference on Gender Studies (WCGS 2021). Atlantis Press, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 649.
5. Yannuar, N., Basthomi, Y., Ishak, C.N., Hidayati, M., Widiati, U. (2021). See: How Indonesian student writers use directives in academic texts, Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 8(10) 5. Febrianti, Y. (2022). Understanding Functions of Typography in Teenage Novels. Proceedings of The International English Language Teachers and Lecturers (iNELTAL). KnowledgeE.
6. Febrianti, Y. & Al Auwal, T. M. R. (2021). Millennials’ Use of Terms of Endearment in Casual Conversation in Digital Communication. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology, and Modern Society (ICSTMS 2020), Atlantis Press, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Volume 576. 6. Ahsanuddin, M., Hanafi, Y., Basthomi, Y., Taufiqurrahman, F., Bukhori, H. A., Samodra, J., Widiati, U., Wijayati, P. H. (2022). Building a Corpus-Based Academic Vocabulary List of Four Languages. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 12(1), 159-167.
7. Fatina, A.R., Bukhori, H.A., & Basthomi, Y. (2021). Verbalphrase mit Präposition dan Präpositionalphrase: Persprektif Mahasiswa terhadap Kategori Frasa. In Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, (6)10, 1493-1508. 7. Zen, E.L., Rachmajanti, S., Lumbanbatu, I.M.F., Rosyida, E., & Rahmawati, C. Local Language Ideology and Attitudes in Indonesia: A Family Language Policy Perspective (submitted to the Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies)
8. Zen, E.L. (2021). Javanese language as an ethnic identity marker among multilingual families in Indonesia, Linguistik Indonesia, 39(1) 8. Zen, E.L., Rachmajanti, S., Lumbanbatu, I.M.F., Rosyida, E., & Rahmawati, C. Bahasa dan Keluarga Kita: A Survey-Based Study on Family Language Policy in Indonesia. Book submitted to UM Press
9. Zen, E.L., & Starr, R.L. (2021). Variation and contact-induced change in Javanese phonology among multilingual children in Indonesia, Asia Pacific Language Variation, 7 (2)
10. Zen, E.L., & Starr, R.L. (2021). Variation in the Production of Javanese among Multilingual Children in Indonesia. Presented atThe 6th New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) Asia Pacific, 17-20 January 2021, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
11. Zen, E.L., & Starr, R.L. (2021). Variation in the Production of Javanese among Multilingual Children in Indonesia. Presented at the 4th Variation in Language Acquisition (V!LA), 2-4 June 2021, Swiss University of Speech and Language Sciences SHLR, Rorschach/ Switzerland
12. Zen, E.L., & Starr, R.L. (2021). Variation in the Production of Javanese among Multilingual Children in Indonesia. Presented at the 23rd Sociolinguistics Symposium, 7-10 June 2021, The University of Hong Kong
13. Zen, E.L., & Apriana, A. (2021). A corpus-based study on the development of Javanese language among multilingual children in East Java. Presented at Kongres Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (KIMLI), 18-20 Agustus 2021, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar


Nurenzia Yannuar
Evynurul Laily Zen
Yazid Basthomi
Siusana Kweldju
Yusnita Febrianti
Aulia Apriana
Maria Hidayati

Anik Nunuk Wulyani

Nanang Zubaidi
Ira Maria Fran Lumbanbatu
Rahmati Putri Yaniafari
Hasti Rahmaningtyas
Current Associate
We plan to recruit new associates this semester.

Past Associates

Ida Ayu Shitadevi
Lely Tri Wijayanti
Nur Annisa Haris
Rifqi Nur Adlir
Anisatul Istighfaroh
Afwa Zakia
Andita Eka Wahyuni
Cita Nuary Ishak
Rika Apriani
Rahma Martiningtyas
Nuan Ifga Guswenda
Ida Ayu Shitadevi
Dian Novita
Jimmy Chandra Gunawan
Arum Puspitasari
Moh. Umar
Rahma Sekar Andini
Chatarina Rahmawati