Departemen Sastra Inggris
Dr. Lestari Setyowati , M.Pd
Nanang Zubaidi , S.S., M.A., Ph.D.
Amanda Al Khwarizmi
Aurellia Dinky Zaneta
Lewo Say Linowo

4 Juni 2023
Learning and Students

The “Puncak P5” performance is the final project of the P5 program (Project of Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles) from Kurikulum Merdeka, attended by all 7th-grade students and held at the end of the 2nd semester. All the P5 learning that students have learned is combined into 1 project in the form of dance performances, drama, and a choir that elevates Indonesia’s national culture. In addition, there are also 3D wall magazines from 8 groups in each class, which means that there are around 72 3D wall magazines,  showing Indonesian regional culture. This event was held on Saturday, May 20 2023 at the SMPN 1 Karangploso’s Pendopo Graha Pranahara. The purpose of the performance and the exhibition is to introduce and invite 7th-grade students to take part in preserving Indonesian culture.

As usual, the final performance needs a preparation stage. 7th graders who are supposed to be the performers for this event started preparing their stuff at the beginning of the semester. There are two main things that they prepared for this event. A 3D wall magazine showing some general information about a particular area in Indonesia, and the on-stage performance with the theme of ‘ Nusantara’. For 3D magazines, students presented their work in front of the class and the teacher to get feedback and suggestions for improving their 3D magazines. As for their performance, they only have 5 days to practice before the day of their performance. However, all of their work will be included in their project score in the P5 program.

Picture 1: The students of 7C practice for the choir performance


In this activity, the students were asked to practice their performance before the stage was held. Every class has the same opportunity to practice every day (5 days before puncak P5) during the P5 period. Each class has different performances, folk song singing performances for the 7A to 7C class, traditional dance performances for the 7D to 7F class, and folklore drama performances for the 7G to 7I class. When they were practicing, we saw that some classes had a lot of coordination with each other, but there were also some classes that were a little less coordinated with each other. Even so, they still looked excited to present their best performance. Some of them also asked us for help in creating the choreography when singing folk songs in class 7C. We thought they were very creative in adding choreography as they sang as if they were in a choir. They also performed three songs; two folk songs and one national song. Here, they were divided into two groups, the first group sang the first folk song and the second group sang the second folk song. At the end of the performance, they all gathered together to sing the national song, where they were divided into two groups, the first group sang the first song and the second group sang the second song. At the end of the performance, they all gathered and sang the song “Indonesia Pusaka”.

Picture 2: The students did rehearsal before the day of Puncak P5


The day before the performance, students gathered at the Pendopo Graha Pranahara SMPN 1 Karangploso during the last lesson to do rehearsals and stage set-up. The rehearsal was carried out based on the run down that had been prepared by the school, starting from the opening, the principal’s remarks, performances per class according to the order in the run down, and the closing. Here, the performance of students has not shown good preparation. It is fine because they are not used to the stage and the condition of the audience, which is more than just their classmates during class practice. At the end of the rehearsal, the teachers also gave some advice and tips to the students so that tomorrow they could perform more optimally before finally inviting the students to go home and rest.

Picture 3: The Kecak dance performance of 7F students on the day of Puncak P5

               The D-Day of this event started with addresses from the principals and other senior teachers from the school. The students dressed based on the area they were performing. As for the picture above, the students from 7F were performing the dance called ‘Tari Kecak’ which is originally a dance and culture from Bali, Indonesia. They did their best to perform the art and impressed most of the audience. Even though the performance didn’t involve all of the class members, it is still impressive knowing that they only had 5 days to prepare for it. It can be said as clever to only choose one kind of art performance, in this case, it is tari kecak because it needs a lot of people and they can form a very good chemistry as they have danced together for a long time.

Picture 4: The students presented their 3D wall magazines

               The last thing is the 3D wall magazines exhibition that is presented on the left side of the SMPN 1 Karangploso’s Pendopo Graha Pranahara. Every class has 8 groups and each of them has to make a 3D wall magazine about one city in Indonesia. They have to give information about the culture and the specialty of the city and represent it in the 3D wall magazine. The creativity and ability of students to gather information about things and how they make 3D representations of cities are really needed here. With their group work combined with suggestions and criticism from teachers and friends, they can finally make 3D wall magazines very well. Not only that, one of the group representatives must be prepared in their 3D bulletin to give further explanations to visitors who come and ask questions about regional culture in their 3D magazine. They were full of enthusiasm when explaining the information on the wall magazines to us. The language is very clear and easily understood by laymen. Without them realizing it, they have learned the culture and traditions that exist in Indonesia. In this case, it is a form of realizing the objectives of the P5 activity.