Support the candidate from Faculty of Letters, Akbar Rahmada Maulana, at the Grand Final of Mawapres UM 2018. Vote for him by clicking here and simply give a like on his picture by double tapping it. Voting closes on 21 March 2018, 12 p.m.


Akbar is a student at the Department of English and is currently in his sixth semester. Here are some of his achievements:

1. 10 International Reviewers (Representative of Asia) at the 9th UN’s World Urban Forum, Malaysia
2. International Delegates at the United Nation Major Group for Children and Youth in Habitat III
3. Top 6 of the International Innovative Project, Hemisphere, Singapore.
4. Speaker at the International Linguistic Conference, UIN Malang.
5. 2nd Winner of the National English Debate IPDN, Ministry of Home Affairs
6. 2nd Winner of the National Competition of “Karya Tulis Ilmiah Al Qur’an”
7. 2nd Winner of Surabaya Open English Debate
8. Top 10 Best Speakers of Surabaya Open English Debate
9. Top 10 Best Speakers of East Java Varsities English Debate
10. Semifinalist of LKTIN Universitas Airlangga
11. 1st Winner of English Debate at MTQ UM

We wish you all the best, Akbar! 


Read the original post here.

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