The Great Preposition Mystery

by | Apr 2, 2019 | Catalogues, ESAC

Author (s)             : Lin Lougheed

Series Title            :

Call Number         : CB 428.24 LOU g

Publisher               : Office of English Language Program : ., 2009

Collation                : 90 pages

Language               : English

ISBN/ISSN            :

The Great Preposition Mystery is designed to be used as a review of prepositions in an intermediate/advanced grammar course. The vocabulary is not graded, and some students may have to use a dictionary more frequently than others. The student gets practice with prepositions in three ways: by choosing an appropriate preposition in context; by selecting an appropriate preposition in a narrowly defined situation; and by using prepositions in student-generated sentences.As the students work their way through the mystery story and the exercises in each chapter, they should make fewer and fewer errors. By the time the students solve the mystery, they should have solved the Great Preposition Mystery.

 This book can be accessed in ESAC.