“Citizen Journalism di Era Digital,” The Future of Citizen Journalism

by | Oct 15, 2016 | Legato, News


The Faculty of Letter held a Journalistic Training, taking the theme “Citizen Journalism di Era Digital” (Citizen Journalism in Digital Era). More than 125 participants got involved in the event held at the Faculty Hall on September 29 2016. Basic theories and technique in journalism are the focus of this training.

We had four expert speakers sharing their knowledge in this event: Nostal Nuans Saputri (FS alumni, Government Public Relation Menkominfo, former journalist of Jawa Pos), Bonni Rambatan (FS alumni, writer, comic artist, columnist, entrepreneur), Andhika Putra Herwanto (lecturer from Diskomvis UM, photographer), dan Andreas Syah Pahlevi (lecturer from Diskomvis UM, photographer).The first two speakers, Mr. Andhika and Mr. Andreas delivered their material mainly about photography and visual content. The second session followed with Nuans and Bonni talking about news and feature writing. The last session was where the participants try to apply their new knowledge by writing news or feature. Finally, the evaluations from the speakers concluded the event.

The theme taken in this training emphasizes that anyone can be a journalist. More than that, the training gave us a bigger picture on journalism as a promising career and profession. Naturally, skills in language and writing are one of the excellences of the Faculty of Letters. This is why journalistic training has been a regular event for the faculty.

One of the participants, Nafila, said that the information given in the event was interesting and up to date. “The topic digital citizen journalism included the material about feature and news, nicely completed with journalistic photography”, she said. “Anyone can be a journalist”, said Inayatul Fariha, a lecturer from the Department of English who also took part as a committee, “Regardless of their job, they can become citizen journalists that educate people with their mbois writings”.

for more pictures: http://inggris.sastra.um.ac.id/2016/09/30/diklat-jurnalistik-citizen-journalism-di-era-digital-the-future-of-citizen-journalism-starts-here/