Seminar Budaya 2016 FS UM Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang Sasing Sastra Inggris Legato Mbois (1)

As the time flies, people become more digital. It is inevitable due to technology becoming more advanced day by day. This leads the young generation of Indonesia to be subsequent to the advancement and give us many advantages to perpetuate everything including the culture. As the younger generation, it’s an obligation for us to continue and protect our culture, so Indonesian will remain Indonesian with its norm and custom.

On 5 October 2016, the Seminar Budaya was held in the Faculty Hall of Faculty of Letters Universitas Negeri Malang with Anggara Sri Wisnu and Tim Garuda as the special guests. The theme of this seminar was “Budaya Tradisi vs Digital, Runtuhnya Sekat Identitas”. The purpose is to motivate the young generation to keep the identity of Indonesian by combining the use of digital technology and conventional culture. The reason why it is so important is because the younger generation tends to forget or leave gradually their identity and culture due to globalization. Culture itself means characteristics. The culture of a country represents their identity. That’s why cultures should be saved from extinction.

Anggara Sri Wisnu, one of the speakers, thought that a good seminar should be inspiring and interactive.  He was trying to give a new point of view to the young generation. He said that if we wanted people to know our ‘world’, we need to open and show it, but never force other people to be like us. In short, we can share positivity from us to other people. He also revised Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s quote, “If you want to be remembered by humans, you should write”, by adding “the writing can be replaced by moving images, writing with images”. Every person is unique, some of them like to write, read, and capture things.

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