UM Department of English Undergraduate Interversity Conferense on English (UM-DE-UNIVERSE 2017)

by | Oct 13, 2017 | Announcements, Legato, News


UM Department of English Undergraduate Interversity Conferense on English
November 25, 2017

At 08.00 WIB in AVA E6 Building
Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Organized by

Theme: “Generation Z and Their Expressions of Progress”



  1. Computer Assisted Language Learning
  2. Cultural Issues in Linguistics
  3. Language Learning Autonomy
  4. Language Learning Innovation
  5. Linguistics Issues in Social Media
  6. Literature in Digital Age
  7. Mobile-Assisted Language Learning
  8. Politics and Popular Culture
  9. Preservation of Language
  10. The Dynamics of Cyber Literature
  11. The Dynamics of Youth Language
  12. Trans-Nationalism in Literature
  13. Values in Literary Works

Types of Session:

  1. Plenary Sessio2. Parallel Session
  2. Parallel Session

Language of Conference: 



Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  1. Abstract should be written in English.
  2. Abstract should not exceed 250 words.
  3. Abstract is to be written in Ms. Word (.doc) using Times New Roman, font size 11, on A4 paper.
  4. Abstract submission should include the following information:
    a. Title of paper
    b. Subtheme
    c. Name(s) of author(s)
    d. Affiliation(s): study program and university
    e. Author(s) email(s)
    f. Author(s) address
    g. Biographical data which should not exceed 100 words
  • Technicalities:
    Abstract should be sent via
    2. Fill the detail information needed in the space provided.
    3. The name of the file should be: Abstract_Name of University_Name(s) of Presenter(s). (e.g. Abstract_UM_Lara)


Full Paper Submission:

  1. Full papers must be written in English within 2500 – 3000 words.
  2. Full papers should be submitted to
  3. The subject of the email is: Full Paper Submission_Topic Area (e.g. Full Paper Submission_The use of computer-assisted technology in ELT)
  4. The name of the file is: Full Paper_Name of University_Name(s) of Presenter(s) (e.g. Full Paper_UM_Lara)
  5. Full paper submission should adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Outline
    a. Title
    b. Name, institution, and email address
    c. Abstract
    d. Background of the Study
    e. Method
    f. Findings and Discussion
    g. Conclusions and Suggestions
    h. References
  • Technicalities
    a. Title of Paper (16 pt Times New Roman Bold, align text to the centre)
    b. Name, institution, email address (12 pt Times New Roman, align text to the centre)
    c. Abstract (11 pt Times New Roman, align text to the centre, justified)
    d. Content of paper: Headings (14 pt Times New Roman)
    e. The paragraph should be single spaced, left justified. Text should be in Times New Roman 12 pt. Do not use page numbering anywhere in the manuscript.
    f. Allow a one-inch margin all around the border and an empty single space between each paragraph.
    g. References (please conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th edition.) Visit the following website for reference to APA style:

Notes: All abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Review Committee.


Conference Fee: 

  1. Presenter  : Rp 100,000,00
  2. Participant : Rp 75,000,00



Payment via bank transfer should be made payable to:
Bank Name  : BNI
Bank Account Name : Amira Saraswati
Bank Account Number : 0425021586
Please send your transfer evidence form to: with subject email:

Transfer Evidence_Name(s) of Presenter.



  1. Seminar Kit
  2. Certificates
  3. Lunch
  4. Paper Compilation


Important Dates:

October 29th: Abstract Submission

November 5th: Abstract Acceptance

November 20th: Paper Submission

November 15th: Registration Deadline

November 25th: Day of Conference


Registration Link:

Abstract Submission Link:

Download Guide Link:

Contact Us:

E-mail    :
CP           : 082139039203 (Saras) or 082154247473 (Amira)