English Month 15: East Java Varsities English Debate 2015

by | Jul 25, 2017 | Announcements, Legato, News

Legato presents another and another great event of the year:

English Month 15

“East Java Varsities English Debate 2017”

      1. Description

East Java Varsities English Debate 2017 is an academic competition among university students to produce students who are active, environmentally aware and critical to global issues today.

      2. Theme

The theme of the competition is “Ancient Egypt”

      3. Time and Place

The competition will be held on:

  • Technical Meeting
    • Day       : Friday
    • Date      : November 17, 2017
    • Place    : Faculty of Letters Hall (AVA), at second floor of E6 building, Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Preliminary Round
    • Day       : Saturday
    • Date      : November 18, 2017
    • Place    : Faculty of Letters Hall (AVA), D7 and D8 building Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang
  • Final Round
    • Day            : Sunday
    • Date           : November 19, 2017
    • Place         : Faculty of Letters Hall (AVA), D7 and D8 building Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang

      4. Regulations

  • Registration Date

Early Bird : August 23 – September 22, 2017

Late Bird  : September 23 – November 12, 2017

  • Payment

Early Bird : Rp600.000,-/team

Late Bird  : Rp650.000,-/team

BNI : 0564444784 a.n Zukhrufa Satata

The payment exclude accommodation.

  • Registration Flow
  1. Each team reserves the slot to the TD(Dimas: +62 838-4844-0267)
  2. Each team is required to pay the registration fee as stated above
  3. Each team is required to send the receipt to em.ejved@gmail.com with the format of the file’s name: TEAM/INSTITUTION/CATEGORY (EARLY/LATE BIRD)\
  4. Each team must fill out the registration form that is given after the payment has been confirmed.
  5. All teams are required to re-register the teams on the first day of the competition by showing their student cards, letter of assignment, and receipts.
    The teams can download the invitation letter from bit.do/invitationejved
    Slot is only available for 50 teams.
    CA      :   Gifan UB (+62 899-5686-508)
    DCA   :   Ilham UM (+62 821-4101-9381) / Tjia Sadhar (+62 859-4204-0122)


  • Rewards
  1. Champion : Rp 3,000,000 + Honorary Rotating Trophy East Java Governor + Trophy + certificates
  2. 1st runner up : Rp 1,750,000 + Trophy + certificates
  3. 2nd runner up : Rp 1,000,000 + Trophy + certificates
  4. Best speaker : Rp 500,000 + certificate
  5. Best N1 : certificate
  6. All participants and adjudicators will get certificates.
  • Other Regulations
  1. Each team consists of three speakers and one N1 adjudicator
  2. Each institution can only send five teams
  3. If there is any team who withdraws, the registration fee cannot be returned
  4. The regulations which are not listed yet will be informed later