Road to EDA 63 – Speech Competition: “Open Your Masquerade and Radiate Your Aspiration”

by | Apr 3, 2017 | Announcements, Legato, News

Day, date : Saturday, 15th April 2017
Time : 06.30- end
Place : AVA E6 Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang


Guide Lines:

The theme of 63rd EDA Speech Competition is “Open Your Masquerade and Radiate Your Aspiration”

This competition will be conducted in three rounds: preliminary round, semifinal round and grand final round.

  1. Preliminary Round : “My Aspirations”

Subtheme: Education, Politic, Economy

Participants will prepare the speech based on the theme given.

Specific Rules:

  • The performing time shall be 4-5 minutes in length.
  • Participants who exceeding the allotted time will receive a reduction of 3 points per 15 seconds.
  • Participants are not allowed to bring notes while performing.
  • Participants are obligated to prepare and submit three hard copies of the speech script at the time of re-registration.
  • There will be top 15 participants who proceed to semifinal round.


  1. Semifinal Round

The top 15 participants will be given three articles by the committee and are required to create speech out of it.

Specific Rules:

  • The performing time shall be 4-5 minutes in length.
  • Each of participants will take a lottery to decide which cases and the turn of the performance.
  • Participants will be given 20 minutes to create speech.
  • Participants are not allowed to use the internet connection to find references.
  • Participants who exceeding the allotted time will receive a reduction of 3 points per 15 seconds.
  • Participants are not allowed to bring notes while performing.
  • There will be top 5 participants who proceed to grand final round.


  1. Grand Final Round

5 Grand finalists will be provided a video and are required to create speech out of it. And one of the judges will ask a question after the participant deliver their speech.

Specific Rules:

  • The performing time shall be 4-5 minutes in length.
  • The time for answering the question is only 2 minutes in length.
  • Each of participants will take a lottery to the turn of the performance.
  • Participants will be given 20 minutes to create speech.
  • Participants are not allowed to use internet connection.
  • Participants who exceeding the allotted time will receive a reduction of 3 points per 15 seconds.



Scoring Criteria

  1. Matter            30%
  2. Manner          10%
  3. Method          30%
  4. Fluency          20%
  5. Performance 10%


General Rules:

  1. The participants of Speech Competition of EDA 63rd are students from SMA/SMK/MA in Malang Raya.
  2. The maximum caps for speech competition are 50 participants.
  3. Register to the Speech committee based on predefined rules.
  4. Each of schools may send a maximum 5 delegates. The school advisor will get a certificate if they can send 5 delegates.
  5. Participants who already signed up on his behalf cannot be replaced by anyone else.
  6. If on the day of speech competition the participant is not present, then the participants considered to fall and the registration fee cannot be withdrawn.
  7. Participants are obliged to wear a school uniform and formal shoes.
  8. Participants are highly suggested to come at least 30 minutes before the Opening Ceremony and must re-register at the assigned location before the Opening Ceremony starts.
  9. Participants are obliged to follow a series events of Speech Competition.
  10. Participants are must and highly recommended to attend TECHNICAL MEETING that will be held on Friday, 11th April 2017 at 15.00 in D.8 202 Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang
  11. All judges decisions and results inside the result slips and ballots are considered as final


Predefined Rules:

  1. Open Registration: 3rd April 2017 – 10th April 2017
  2. Registration for Speech Competition done offline i.e. by registering directly to the secretariat in D8 Faculty of Letters State University of Malang on hours of work (08.00 – 15.00) or via online by registering to the CP.
  3. Completeness of registration of participants include:
    • a) 1 photocopy of student identity cards.
    • b) 1 photo 4×6
    • c) an official letter of delegation from the principal or institution.
    • d) registration fee @Rp. 75,000.
  4. Participants or representatives of any school that does not do the re-registration on that day considered resigning and the registration fee cannot be pulled back.

*Re-registration (April 15th, 2017 I 06.30-07.00)

  1.  Come to Aula Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang
  2.  Submit three hard copies of speech script for preliminary round


You may download the registration form here:


Contact Person :

  1. Rahadian Dimas   : +6287751888886
  2. Theresia Wilujeng : +628990144568


Thank you and good luck!