Day, date : Saturday, 15th April 2017
Time : 06.30- end
Place : AVA E6 Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang
Guide Lines:
The theme of 63rd EDA Speech Competition is “Open Your Masquerade and Radiate Your Aspiration”
This competition will be conducted in three rounds: preliminary round, semifinal round and grand final round.
- Preliminary Round : “My Aspirations”
Subtheme: Education, Politic, Economy
Participants will prepare the speech based on the theme given.
Specific Rules:
- The performing time shall be 4-5 minutes in length.
- Participants who exceeding the allotted time will receive a reduction of 3 points per 15 seconds.
- Participants are not allowed to bring notes while performing.
- Participants are obligated to prepare and submit three hard copies of the speech script at the time of re-registration.
- There will be top 15 participants who proceed to semifinal round.
- Semifinal Round
The top 15 participants will be given three articles by the committee and are required to create speech out of it.
Specific Rules:
- The performing time shall be 4-5 minutes in length.
- Each of participants will take a lottery to decide which cases and the turn of the performance.
- Participants will be given 20 minutes to create speech.
- Participants are not allowed to use the internet connection to find references.
- Participants who exceeding the allotted time will receive a reduction of 3 points per 15 seconds.
- Participants are not allowed to bring notes while performing.
- There will be top 5 participants who proceed to grand final round.
- Grand Final Round
5 Grand finalists will be provided a video and are required to create speech out of it. And one of the judges will ask a question after the participant deliver their speech.
Specific Rules:
- The performing time shall be 4-5 minutes in length.
- The time for answering the question is only 2 minutes in length.
- Each of participants will take a lottery to the turn of the performance.
- Participants will be given 20 minutes to create speech.
- Participants are not allowed to use internet connection.
- Participants who exceeding the allotted time will receive a reduction of 3 points per 15 seconds.
Scoring Criteria
- Matter 30%
- Manner 10%
- Method 30%
- Fluency 20%
- Performance 10%
General Rules:
- The participants of Speech Competition of EDA 63rd are students from SMA/SMK/MA in Malang Raya.
- The maximum caps for speech competition are 50 participants.
- Register to the Speech committee based on predefined rules.
- Each of schools may send a maximum 5 delegates. The school advisor will get a certificate if they can send 5 delegates.
- Participants who already signed up on his behalf cannot be replaced by anyone else.
- If on the day of speech competition the participant is not present, then the participants considered to fall and the registration fee cannot be withdrawn.
- Participants are obliged to wear a school uniform and formal shoes.
- Participants are highly suggested to come at least 30 minutes before the Opening Ceremony and must re-register at the assigned location before the Opening Ceremony starts.
- Participants are obliged to follow a series events of Speech Competition.
- Participants are must and highly recommended to attend TECHNICAL MEETING that will be held on Friday, 11th April 2017 at 15.00 in D.8 202 Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang
- All judges decisions and results inside the result slips and ballots are considered as final
Predefined Rules:
- Open Registration: 3rd April 2017 – 10th April 2017
- Registration for Speech Competition done offline i.e. by registering directly to the secretariat in D8 Faculty of Letters State University of Malang on hours of work (08.00 – 15.00) or via online by registering to the CP.
- Completeness of registration of participants include:
- a) 1 photocopy of student identity cards.
- b) 1 photo 4×6
- c) an official letter of delegation from the principal or institution.
- d) registration fee @Rp. 75,000.
- Participants or representatives of any school that does not do the re-registration on that day considered resigning and the registration fee cannot be pulled back.
*Re-registration (April 15th, 2017 I 06.30-07.00)
- Come to Aula Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang
- Submit three hard copies of speech script for preliminary round
You may download the registration form here:
Contact Person :
- Rahadian Dimas : +6287751888886
- Theresia Wilujeng : +628990144568
Thank you and good luck!