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Friday 23 of September 2016, DPM Fakultas Sastra (the faculty student council) held an annual event known as Dialog Interaktif Politik Kampus (Campus Politic Interactive Dialogue) or also known as DIPK. The theme of the event was “Peran Organisasi Mahasiswa sebagai Revitalisasi Jati Diri Fakultas Sastra” (the Role of the Organization Students as Self Identity Revitalization of Faculty of Letters). About 202 participants took part in this event. 2 terrific speakers was invited, those are Tahega Primananda Alfath, S.H., M.H. (Lecturer of Faculty of Law, UniversitasNarotama Surabaya, Alumni of Forum Indonesia Muda 9) and Gabby Maulansyah, S.Pd. (President of BEMFA Sastra 2012). Both speakers have lots of experience and knowledge related to the theme.

According to the event director, Nur Afia Umu, this event is very important because she wants new freshmen in the Faculty of Letter know more about their facultyfor that is their identity. Umu also mentioned that this event did not only focus on politics but also the background of Faculty of Letter. Most participants were very enthusiastic through the segments such as asking question, sharing their own experience, and many others.

Actually, this event is also important for students associations such as HMJ and BEM to increase their knowledge about campus politic in general and know about their responsibility as student activists of political organizations in campus. Most students in campus think that politic is something bad or negative, that’s why through this event, the chairman of DMF Sastra Hifdzullah Iman hopes that everyone (especially the freshmen) can think more critically about.

Text: Henny Indira